The onus is on landfill owners when it comes to keeping your site operating safely and effectively—the safety of your employees and community depends on it. This requires regular maintenance and monitoring. However, the onus is also on you when it comes to safely cleaning your leachate collection system, leachate containment system and your landfill gas system. That is why explosion-proof, high-pressure jet cleaning should be your go-to service for your landfill site.

High-pressure jet cleaning ensures your leachate collection system, as well as your condensate and stormwater structure operate at maximum efficiency. And our explosion-proof equipment keeps your site, staff and community safe.

Explosion-proof, high-pressure jet cleaning can help ensure your landfill site operates effectively and efficiently, with safety always at the forefront. Learn more here.

Explosion-Proof, High-Pressure Jet Cleaning Services

Leachate Collection System Jet Cleaning

The IET team is a leading provider of jet cleaning equipment and top-notch services. We perform routine compliance cleaning as well as non-routine maintenance cleaning for your leachate collection system.

When you partner with IET, you can trust your landfill will be in the right hands—we will always ensure the proper maintenance of your landfill site so the collection of hazardous materials is never a concern.

IET is your turn-key service partner.

Contact Us Today

High Pressure Jet Cleaning Equipment

Learn More About Our Monitoring, Maintenance & Inspection Services

Condensate and Stormwater Structure Jet Cleaning

At IET, we also provide proven cleaning services for your condensate and stormwater structure. We provide routine compliance cleaning and can also be available for non-routine maintenance.

Our highly experienced team ensures proper function of your landfill site, and our industry-leading jet cleaning equipment maintains the safety standards you expect from your jet cleaning partner.

Call (863)-868-8348 to schedule

Explosion-Proof, High-Pressure Jet Cleaning Provides Peace of Mind

Your leachate collection system, as well as your condensate and stormwater structure need regular cleaning that can only be provided by top-line equipment. Our explosion-proof, high-pressure jet cleaning has been proven to ensure proper cleaning with safety always at the forefront.

And for the only turn-key service provider—offering leachate collection system, leachate containment system and leachate gas system services—turn to the explosion-proof, high-pressure jet cleaning experts at IET. We build them, cap them and close them. Contact us today.

    Contact Us

    Call us at (863)-868-8348 or fill out the form below

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    Integrated Environmental Technology
    Lakeland, Florida, United States